Please take note that Savik Super-Chrome will be closed for the Holiday Season from December 20th 2024, mid-day and will return on January 6th 2025. We apologize if this brings any delays in response, but we wish you the warmest of Holiday.
Shipping department closed from April 8th – 12th 2024
Savik closed on March 29th 2024
Savik closed June 26th and July 3rd 2023
Holiday Season bussiness hours 2022-2023
During this Holiday Season, Savik Super-Chrome will be closing. To help with your planning, please note the following closure dates:
December 24th 2022 to January 2nd 2023, reopening January 3rd 2023
On behalf of the team at Savik Super-Chrome, we wish you a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season. We are grateful for your partnership and sincerely hope that we all enjoy a prosperous 2023.
June and July public holiday
Claire Trépanier passes the torch
Dear customers,
After more than 24 years at Savik Super-Chrome, I am announcing my retirement as of June 19th, 2020.
I would like to thank you for the trust you have shown me during my professional career.
I would like to invite you to extend the same trust to my colleague Tanya Lemieux who will be taking over from me.
Tanya has been with us for two months and I am going to continue to accompany her daily until my departure.
She has a strong background in customer service and will be able to meet the numerous challenges in order to continue to serve you in an excellent and efficient manner.
Claire Trépanier
Coordonnatrice au service à la clientèle
Savik Super–Chrome update on COVID-19
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Savik Super-Chrome is OPEN for business and remains available to serve our customers. Our production activities continue, along with an extensive inventory of finished goods and raw materials to ensure a quick response time to meet your needs.
At Savik Super-Chrome we appreciate our employees, our customer and our suppliers and we take this situation seriously.
To remain open, while following the recommendations given by the Canadian and Quebec health agencies, we have implemented several measures to protect the health of our staff and others. This includes physical distancing, remote working for all employees when possible, extra sanitization steps, and limiting visits to logistics only.
We insist to work through this difficult time, as we continue to support our customers and providing a safe environment for our employees.
Best regards,
Pascal Deschênes
General Manager
Savik Super-Chrome Inc. produces input necessary for priority manufacturing activities as defined by the Government of Quebec.
Savik Super-Chrome Inc will maintain its activities as many of our customers remain in operation throughout North America because they produce goods considered essential.
Savik Super-Chrome Inc will bear in mind the directives from public health authorities while maintaining manufacturing operations and take all necessary steps to protect our workers from COVID-19.
Our customer service department remains open to answer your requirements. You can reach them at 819-376-3737 or 1-800-567-8542. By e-mail, you can reach Claire Trepanier ( or Tanya Lemieux (